For some, running alone brings solace and practicality. But you’re missing out if you’re only hitting the roads, trails, or track by yourself. Regardless of your feelings on the subject, it’s indisputable that running groups come with a variety of benefits. Here’s a few to consider:
We all know the feeling: you excitedly set your alarm the evening beforehand and lay out your running clothes, but when the alarm goes off in the morning, you hastily go back to sleep.
Group running is a way to combat this issue, as when you’ve made a verbal commitment to meet someone at your favorite 7 AM spot, you tend to keep your word, even when it feels like you don’t want to.
Ambassador Pro Tip: Zach Bitter (long distance runner & coach)
"Group runs are great motivators. For my training, and for folks I work with, group runs can often be a way to build short term motivators into a training plan. Race day can often be far off and isn't always as motivating as it was when you first signed up. Having a group of people to help you stay excited, focused, and having fun is great!"
Group Suggestion: “I like to find local running shops that host group runs. It gives me the opportunity to run with friends and meet other people excited about running.”
Your local BUFF® retailer may have a running group.
Whether it’s a 5K or a marathon, it can be a game changer to have running friends who have your back while training, or even during the race itself. Having individual friends who are going through the same experiences as you, or being part of a group that has been there, means that when you start to feel challenged, they’ll be there to pull you up.
Ambassador Pro Tip: Gina Lucrezi (Trail Sisters Founder)
"Welcome support from others, but also always offer support where you can. You have the ability to aid someone in a way that might change their outlook, abilities, or more. When we work together in helping each other, we all succeed, bettering everyone's outcome."
Group Suggestion: Gina founded Trail Sisters with the mission to increase women's participation and opportunity in trail running through inspiration, education and empowerment.
Pro Tip: Seek to run with others who are faster and more experienced than you. Not only will they have experienced more successes and injury rehab tips, they will push you in your training. Don’t worry about being slower, experienced runners will happily adapt and benefit. Most of us train too fast anyways.
Unfortunately, we do live in a world where running alone can be a safety risk that increases based on factors such as gender, race, and other identities. There’s truth to the saying, “there’s safety in numbers,” especially in the sport of running.
Like to run trails? Being part of a running group can open new scenic trails that otherwise could be dangerous running alone, both for risk of injury and wildlife encounters.
Pro Tip: Keep your close family or friends aware of your location, even while running with a group. They’ll be happy to be able to serve as an added layer of safety.
Need recommendations for a new pair of shoes? A discount code for your favorite gels? Trail suggestions in your area? The Internet can be a great place to find all of the above, but oftentimes, that in-person recommendation from someone who you know and trust (and more importantly, knows you!) can be most effective.
Running groups are often the best resource for tips and tricks of the trade, as where else are you going to find a group of like minded individuals that can pool together resources and years of experience?
Pro Tip: If your running club has a Slack Channel, group chat, email chain, or other form of communication, float your gear question to the group. Odds are, someone will be excited to answer your question, or can connect you with someone who can!
Ambassador Pro Tip: Adam Kimble (long distance runner & coach)
"Having a run club or a group of people to run with is so helpful! I do a lot of my training solo, but I can't overstate how important group runs are to me. Whether it's people to push you to run faster, someone to share your passion of running with, or just getting together with a rad group of people, running with others always brings me great joy!"
Group Suggestion: "My local Tahoe running club, the Donner Party Mountain Runners, have connected me to so many of my best friends in the community. I regularly train with and spend time hanging out with friends that I met through our club!"
Sure, taking yourself out for pizza after that strenuous interval workout is a glorious demonstration of self-care, but having the opportunity to celebrate running accomplishments (or bond over the pain!) with a group can be even more satisfying.
Pro Tip: Running for health or personal growth are both great reasons to get out there. However, being part of a run community is plain FUN! Many groups end morning runs at a coffee shop, or evening runs at a pub. Pick one that aligns with your lifestyle and you’ll be glad you logged the miles.
Group Suggestion: Check out our virtual Strava Run Club to find a community of BUFF® fans worldwide and to get informed of BUFF® Strava Challenges where achieving the challenge goal could leave you with a discount on new BUFF® gear!
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